Kisumu Museum


Kisumu Museum is located in Kisumu town along the Kisumu – Kericho highway, within Milimani Estate.
It was opened to the public in 1980. The museum stores and disseminates information on cultural and scientific issues with emphasis on Western Kenya.
Exhibits include

  • Fish aquarium
  • Snake park
  • A cultural history gallery
  • A traditional homestead among other things

The museum provides educational services to schools from the lake region and beyond.

Research activities also feature prominently. In recent years, the Kisumu museum has participated in multinational investigation on limnology (a scientific characteristic of fresh water lakes) of Lake Victoria conducted by the International Center for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) at Mbita in Homa Bay County.

Kisumu museum is also a gravity point for seminars and workshops both international and local. Built on a ten acre piece of land, the museum compound is one of the few green areas available in Kisumu city for the enjoyment of locals and visitors alike.

Attached to Kisumu museum are a number of sites and monuments of historical significance including Fort Tenan, Songhor, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Mausoleum, Thimlich Ohinga World Heritage Site, and Tom Mboya Mausoleum.

Charges In Kenya Shilling

Non Resident Adult Outside East Africa  –     Ksh. 500

Non Resident Child  Outside East Africa –  Ksh.250

Non Resident Adult Within East Africa   –  Ksh. 400

Non Resident Child Within East Africa    –      Ksh. 200

Resident Adult                                           –        Ksh. 100

Resident Child                                           –  Ksh. 50

School Groups Primary /Secondary           –    Ksh. 50

School Groups Tertiary /Universities         –    Ksh.100


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Curator Kisumu Museum
Education office:
P.O.Box 1779 Kisumu
Code 40100.